Programme in English 2023-2027

Terje Aunevik. Our leader (mayor) candidate to the local government
Terje Aunevik. Our leader (mayor) candidate to the local government, Svalbard Venstre

We bring Longyearbyen safely into the future

Svalbard Venstre is running for elections with new and resourceful people, as well as all last period’s representatives in Lokalstyre.

We’ve built a strong and experienced team with people skills and high aspirations. We’re ready to bring Longyearbyen safely into the future.

Last period’s challenging matters like voting rights, special education, energy supply, increased preservation and restrictions on snowmobile driving have contributed to unrest in Longyearbyen. There are many and diverse opinions on the role played by local politics. One can easily become discouraged and question whether local politics has any real significance or value.

But the times we are in and are about to enter make it more important than ever to defend a free democracy, despite its limitations and challenges, also at a local political level.

Svalbard Venstre has never been in doubt. We’ve never lost the motivation.

Transparency and predictability, trust and credibility are matters that are important to us.

We are open for new thoughts, arguments, and ideas. We believe that knowledge and a free debate are key for making good decisions.

  • To us, all residents in Longyearbyen are important, regardless of how long you’ve lived here, your origin, your job, if you have the right to vote or not.
  • With a responsible economic policy, we want to build the future Longyearbyen and manage our resources in the best way possible.
  • We bring Longyearbyen into the future.

We are now looking forward to listening to and talking with people about political matters, our program, and what’s on people’s mind. On stands, in Svalbardposten and in debates.

But regardless of political programs and affiliation to national political parties: Politics is about people! It’s about people who make decisions, about decisions that affect people.

Last election period has shown us that local politics to a lesser degree is about political programs and individual cases, and to a larger degree about the politician’s ability to manage unforeseen challenges in an unpredictable world. The people you elect must be able to make good decisions about matters they may not know will occur.

Hence, you are not only voting for a political party’s election platform, but the people you elect should share your values and principles. Vote for the people and the team you find best fit to secure your interests, also during unexpected events. Our team is here for you, and we hope that you vote for us. But most important is that you vote.

Happy election day!

Terje Aunevik
Candidate in the Lokalstyre elections
Svalbard Venstre

Local community | Energy supply | City and housing | Environment | School | Business life | The Svalbard policy

Local community

Many of us came to Svalbard because of the nature and adventure, but discovered that the good society, cultural life, people, and leisure activities make us stay here. The good meeting places, the outdoor life, the nightlife, the selection of shops, the cultural offer, and the sports opportunities, are a result of volunteer work. It does not happen by itself. Active work is constantly required, and local policy must be shaped accordingly. We in Svalbard Venstre want everyone to feel welcome and included in a generous and safe community with good and varied job possibilities and leisure activities.

Svalbard Venstre wants:

  • to guarantee that important decisions affecting the local community are made in the public space
  • it to be easy to be heard in matters important to you and your loved ones, regardless of whether you have lived here for a long time and whether you have the right to vote or not
  • that government funding is ensured for extended responsibilities imposed on LL, beyond the current service offering
  • to work for a reasonable balance between protection, access, and use of the wonderful Svalbard wilderness
  • that research, facts, and transparency, rather than unilateral use of the “better safe than sorry”-principle, should be the basis for administrative decisions
  • to prepare an overall plan for arenas and premises used by cultural life and volunteering, adapted to future needs
  • to ensure efficient operation of the youth club and the self-governed youth centre
  • to ensure efficient operation of the alpine facility
  • to secure financing arrangements and predictability for the operation of Svalbardposten
  • to ensure the right to get expenses covered through Pasientreiser when participating in the national mammography programme
  • to ensure that cruise tourists can shop at Nordpolet AS, and that a limited duty-free sale us opened at the airport, to increase income for the “Korkpengene”-scheme
  • to get a new living conditions survey in place
  • to continuously work to reduce the resident turnover rate

Lokalsamfunn | Energiforsyning | By og bolig | Miljø | Skole | Næringsliv | Svalbardpolitikken

Energy supply

The energy supply is Longyearbyen’s heart and lungs. It is crucial to continue to work broadly to find a long-term energy solution at the same time as work is being done on the diesel transition solution. New and more sustainable energy sources must be established as soon as possible, with the aim of reducing emissions and energy costs for us living here. Energy is the most important strategic infrastructure we have on Svalbard and is thus also a national responsibility. Therefore, it is crucial to have a close interaction with the state as well as making the state responsible to succeed.

Svalbard Venstre wants:

  • to prioritize immediate measures that reduce the consumption of fossil energy carriers, reduce environmental emissions, ensure sufficient security of supply for electricity/heating, and provide better maintenance predictability
  • to investigate the possibilities for the rapid establishment of solar energy and wind power plants. Near Longyearbyen there are areas already industrially affected, and it is assumed that energy installations will have little visual and environmental impact
  • to establish tariffs and pricing models for electricity and heating that reflect the actual costs associated with the energy delivery, make it possible for plus customers to sell energy to the network
  • to make bold assessments regarding the operating and ownership models for the energy supply in Longyearbyen, ensure the best possible cooperation, and ensure that the energy production costs does not obstruct the development of services LL shall deliver to the residents, e.g., school, kindergarten, planning and technical services
  • to work to ensure that the focus on development and innovation is prioritised also in the further work with the future energy solution
  • to secure government funding for new energy supplies to ensure that the sustainability perspective is held high in future developments. Burdening a changing population in Longyearbyen the costs of infrastructure as central and critical as this, in one of Norway’s most important regions, is unreasonable.

Lokalsamfunn | Energiforsyning | By og bolig | Miljø | Skole | Næringsliv | Svalbardpolitikken

Urban and housing developement

Longyearbyen is here to stay! There is a need to raise the housing standards, especially regarding energy saving and the foundations. We want to move away from temporariness and short-termism. Therefore, Svalbard Venstre will develop the building regulations and the land-use plan, so that new buildings have a lasting quality, consume little energy, and are adapted to a changing Arctic climate. The cheapest and most sustainable energy is the one you do not use. It is also important that the scope and impact of tourism is managed and linked to the urban development.

Svalbard Venstre wants:

  • to develop an attractive business area at Hotellneset that allows for the relocation of warehouses and business activity, away from the city centre and the delta area
  • provide a better and more up-to-date housing status
  • ensure a better and more robust water supply
  • facilitate the construction of sufficiently new apartments, including studio flats, to an extent that makes it possible to carry out the necessary energy efficiency upgrade of existing apartments
  • to follow up the development plans described in the national transport plan for the Port of Longyearbyen
  • to work to ensure that funds from port operations are used for public benefit measures that also improve access and safety for visitors. For example, infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists
  • to explore the possibility of differentiated pricing of port calls and port costs as tools for better dispersal of the water-borne traffic
  • to get in place a tourist fee to finance public benefit measures and facilitation ensuring urban development for the benefit of us living here
  • to contribute to a development of Sjøskrenten and Sjøområdet that creates predictability and that benefits the local community

Lokalsamfunn | Energiforsyning | By og bolig | Miljø | Skole | Næringsliv | Svalbardpolitikken


The Arctic has the world’s attention and is in a unique position when it comes to the effects of climate change and global environmental challenges. Our measures will be noticed. This presents challenge but also opportunities. Longyearbyen as a development arena and showcase is such an opportunity. Svalbard Venstre wants to take part in directing this development, with a clear expectation to central authorities that this is a part of Norway’s international responsibility in the Arctic.

Svalbard Venstre wants:

  • to set environmental requirements in connection with public tenders so that the environment is included as a basis in the assessment
  • to study the possibility of setting requirements for energy production on roofs and facades of new buildings – in line with regulations and tariffs for electricity and heating
  • to introduce a differentiated port levy based on the degree of pollution, and explore the possibilities for the environmental component of a new pricing model as a source of funding for specific climate and environmental measures
  • work to ensure that funding schemes for energy efficiency measures adapted to Longyearbyen are provided
  • that climate and environmental benefits should be decisive in decisions on rehabilitation versus demolition in future real estate projects
  • to stipulate requirements for climate and environmental certification of buildings
  • work for a more environmentally friendly traffic through the development of more pedestrian and bicycle paths, bicycle sheds and charging facilities for electric cars

Lokalsamfunn | Energiforsyning | By og bolig | Miljø | Skole | Næringsliv | Svalbardpolitikken

School, instruction and social conditions

Education is the key to a better future. It is through education that we even out social differences with the aim of giving our children equal opportunities in life. That is why school is always a priority for Svalbard Venstre. Good and inclusive school and educational conditions are one of the most important tasks for which local politics is responsible. A good and predictable kindergarten, after-school and school programme are crucial for maintaining and strengthening the family community in Longyearbyen.

Svalbard Venstre wants:

  • to prepare an overall plan adapted to future needs related to kindergarten, the after-school programme and school premises
  • to ensure stable resources at the school and the kindergartens to maintain good educational programmes. Retaining competence, but preferably increasing it over time, should be a priority
  • to secure social work and supporting resources that give teachers room to prioritise teaching, and at the same time ensure a good and saft school environment for the pupils
  • to work to establish a health clinic for adolescents with certain specialist health services, such as psychologist
  • to strengthen upper secondary education programmes with the aim of a more stable pupil base in line with developments in local businesses and industry, and continue the scheme for mainland pupils
  • to ensure continued cultural school operations and consider cooperative solutions that can also benefit voluntary teams, marching bands, choirs etc., in the form of conductor and instructor services
  • to guarantee follow-up of the work on the Guide to the «Regulations relating to primary and lower secondary education and upper secondary education in Longyearbyen”, with particular emphasis on the understanding of the right to special education

Lokalsamfunn | Energiforsyning | By og bolig | Miljø | Skole | Næringsliv | Svalbardpolitikken

Business, research and education

Longyearbyen is undergoing restructuring. The period of extensive infrastructure measures in the form of major building and construction projects is coming to an end. At the same time, it has been decided to end the coal mining activity. Longyearbyen must develop into something more than just a mere tourism destination. Therefore, continued business development is important to achieve diversity, the desire to live here and the desire to stay here in the long term. Local businesses are particularly important for service and community functions in an isolated community without neighbouring municipalities. Therefore, factors such as local affiliation, local community responsibility, Norwegian working conditions and decent contractual conditions must be prioritised in business development. Knowledge is important to Svalbard Venstre. We want more research and more students who stay here longer and take an active part in the community in Longyearbyen.

Svalbard Venstre wants:

  • to have an orderly and well-organised working life
  • that the central government and the public sector must emphasise the importance of the overall local community perspective in the design of tenders and procurement schemes
  • to ensure a new purchasing instruction for the Longyearbyen Lokalstyre, focusing on business activity that benefits the community in Longyearbyen
  • to review the possibility of establishing an industry register, which can be further developed to influence the industry in the desired direction
  • to review the possibility of licensing schemes for the business sector as a tool for development managing
  • that tourism is constantly being developed in a more sustainable direction
  • to be animal lovers and work to find solutions for veterinary operations that ensure adequate veterinary access and good frameworks for animal welfare, as on the mainland
  • that Store Norske’s role in Svalbard is developed for the benefit of the local community and in a way that provides security, predictability for other businesses, and a basis for local cooperation
  • to be a folk high school friend and challenge and contribute to the involvement and inclusion of the folk high school’s students and staff in the local community
  • to contribute when UNIS needs political support in matters beneficial to Longyearbyen
  • to contribute to closer interaction between businesses, administration, and research, with the aim of creating more local and year-round jobs
  • to ensure better and more sustainable logistics services for the local community and local businesses

Lokalsamfunn | Energiforsyning | By og bolig | Miljø | Skole | Næringsliv | Svalbardpolitikken

Svalbard policy

Including Svalbard – Norway is a major navigational nation and an Arctic superpower. Norway’s prioritisation of the community in Longyearbyen must form the basis for this development and make it visible to the world. What we do here in Norway’s northernmost region is noticed, hence the level of ambition should be high. Norway should lead the way. But while Longyearbyen has moved in the direction of a municipal model, the reality is that there are national guidelines beyond the control of the local democracy.

Considering the very demanding challenges facing both the local community and Norway’s Svalbard policy in the time ahead, not least considering the security situation with an ongoing war in Europe, it is crucial to strengthen mutual trust between the local community and Oslo. The residents in Longyearbyen have a particular interest in high mutual trust in this area. Therefore, we will work actively for a good dialogue between the Lokalstyre and state authorities, both the Governor of Svalbard, central agencies, and ministries in Oslo. In this dialogue, Svalbard Venstre wants better understanding of governmental guidelines and priorities for Svalbard, at the same time as it is important that central authorities understand and show respect for the needs of the local community.

Svalbard Venstre wants:

  • increased dialogue activity with central authorities, political parties, parliament, and government to take part in decisions that affect the local community
  • to highlight Svalbard’s unique position in the Arctic and actively work to ensure that this national significance is emphasised more clearly into decision-making processes that affect the community in Longyearbyen
  • to be an active partner, advisor and partner in the formulation and practice of the Svalbard policy