Why Should I Vote For Venstre?

Venstre is Norway’s social liberal party. Our policy combines personal freedom with responsibilty for the community. Our emphasis is on four main areas: Education, environment, small business and welfare. Liberal policy is made with the individual at heart. We want fair solutions that will bring freedom to everyone. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to use their abilities to what is best for themselves and the community.

People are more important than systems.
That is why Venstre puts people first.

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 12 år siden.**

Anja Berggård Endresen

Foto: Joachim Steinbru


Foto: Tove Hofstad

A School Based On Knowledge
A school based on knowledge and equal opportunity requires competent teachers. Venstre wants every teacher to have the time and the resources needed for further education. We focus on the teachers because we want the best possible school for our children.

Venstre wants major investments in schools, education and research, and this is the number one priority in our alternative national budgets. Research and education are important elements in regards to future jobs and welfare. We have to ensure that people’s creative skills are given space to develop in schools, research, culture and business.

Venstre Wants:
All teachers to have an opportunity and duty to get further education. This is our number one priorty in the Norwegian school
To introduce a five year teacher education and to increase the admission requirements
To strengthen research through an increase and equal distribution for universities, colleges and research institutes to ensure that University of Stavanger is funded on the same terms as more established universities

A Climate-Friendly Norway
It is vital that we preserve the environment for coming generations by upholding the biodiversity that exists today. This will be a challenge, but it will also provide us with opportunities.

Norway should take the lead in the production of renewable energy, both developing and utilising new technologies. We need to create green workplaces and make it easy and affordable to become evironmentally friendly. Travelling by public transport must be both financially worthwile and effective. A better public transport system makes it easier to travel and benefits the environment. This is why Venstre wants public transport to be better, cheaper and with more frequent departures.

Venstre Wants:
To protect the fragile eco systems in the areas around Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja from oil exploration
To build double-track railway from Stavnager to Egersund
To reopen railway, «Ålgårdbanen», between Ålgård and Sandnes to help relieve the congested road

Small Businesses
We want to ensure that smaller businesses and people who are self-employed have good conditions, because the welfare state is dependent on innovative business. The jobs of the future are not yet created, so we need a policy supporting small business and entreperneurs.

Knowledge is the foundation of new business, and so investment in education and research is important. Venstre wants an innovative Norway, where it is easier to start and run you own business and create new jobs.

Venstre Wants:
Give people who are self-employed the same social security as those who are employed
Increase the funding for research and development
Improve the conditions for green businesses, making industry our most important tool in the climate change battle

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 12 år siden.**