Putting People First

We have made our election information available in English. We hope this will be helpful to all of our English-speaking inhabitants in Rogaland.

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 13 år siden.**

Rogaland is a wonderful county. We have opportunities many envy us, and we will make the most of them. The Liberals wants a climatefriendly society. We know that if we build a modern society that protects the environment, this will also increase our competitiveness, which will enable us to be at the front of all sorts of industry. The Liberals know that the business community and the environment can be combined and that this will be the recipie for success.

The Liberals will have a school based on knowledge and equal opportunities. Further they will ensure that public transport it is good enough to be an actuall choice, and therefore the roads need to be of good quality.

Rogaland County Council must have a sound fiscal policy. Decisions taken by the current majority has made the county unable to carry out its duties. The Liberal Party, Venstre, will take this responsibility, and we are happy to cooperate with everyone to succeed: The operation must be reviewed and all new investments are considered carefully. If we do not, the consequences in the near future will be: worse schools and less funding for transportation. This is not something Venstre will allow to happen.

People are more important than insitutions. Therefore, Venstre is putting people first. We say this because we are The liberal party in Rogaland, Norway. We value the people we serve.

Here are some of the important matters for Rogaland Venstre:

Pulpit Rock National Park
Lyse Fjord, Rogaland’s biggest attraction. Pulpit Rock area is an important natural environment and essential for tourism. Liberals will ensure pulpit lasting protection.

Industry Focus on Kårstø
The oil Nation Norway must take climate commitments seriously. CO2-capture technology allows for historical and business development in the Haugesund.

Health workers
One of our biggest challenges is the shortage of health workers. We need to educate much more health workers to care for those in need.

Outdoor activities
Physical activity is good for public health. We need to give people access to great natural areas close to where they live and support sports and leisure organizations.

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs
More "trainee" companies in the school create more entrepreneurs. A simplification of bureaucracy will make it easier to start and run their own business. Our welfare depends on innovative businesses.

Rogfast – linking Rogaland together
Our businesses is dependent on Rogfast. The main coastal road on the west coast will be built with Rogfast as the first stage. At the same time the transport corridor to the central port of Risavika built.

Light Rail
Light Rail is the solution to traffic challenges in North Jæren. We will build many houses close to the rail public transport. The city Sandnes and Stavanger must be developed in a clever and innovative way.

Focus on the Pupil
A focus on the teacher’s competence is also a commitment to the student. Teachers should spend time on students rather than on bureaucracy and reporting.

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 13 år siden.**