Omtanke og støtte fra hele verden

Venstre takker for alle mottatte kondolanser, og vil med dette viderebringe hilsner fra liberale partier i hele verden som vil vise at de føler med ofrene og de pårørende etter tragediene på Utøya og i Regjeringskvartalet.

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 14 år siden.**


Foto: Solveig Nilsen

– Vi takker for alle kondolanser fra våre søsterpartier. De vil være med å stå opp for de verdier som hele det norske samfunn nå står opp om. Dette er dager for trøst, omtanke og ettertanke. Ta vare på hverandre. Vi må huske å bevare innsatsen for demokrati og et åpent samfunn, sier Skei Grande.

Alle kondolanser legges ut fortløpende de nærmeste dagene.

Jan Björklund, Folkpartiets leder (Sverige)
Liberala vänner,

Låt mig förmedla min och Folkpartiet liberalernas djupaste sympati och medkänsla.
Terrordåden som ert land har utsatts för är så fruktansvärda att det är svårt att ta in.

En bilbomb i centrala Oslo riktad mot regeringen och ledande tjänstemän. En kallblodig massaker på ungdomar engagerade för en bättre värld.

Tragedin har tagit många liv, exakt hur många vet vi inte än. För mig är det ofattbart. Mina tankar finns hos dem som har förlorat eller saknar nära och kära, hos de ungdomar som för resten av sina liv kommer att bära mardrömmen på Utöya i sina minnen. Hos det norska folket.

Vi har sett ondska förut och vi kommer att se den igen. Vårt sätt att bemöta den är givet. Vi måste stå upp för demokrati, öppenhet och tolerans.

Norge, mitt andra hemland, befinner sig i djup sorg, och vi finns alla med er i denna mörka stund. Medkänsla, inte fruktan, är vad vi tillsammans ska använda för att bekämpa terrorn och det obegripliga hatet.

De varmaste hälsningar

Jan Björklund
Partiledare Folkpartiet liberalerna

Liberal Internationals (den internasjonale liberale verdensorganisasjonen)
Statement by LI President Hans van Baalen MEP on terrorist attacks in Norway
LI President Hans van Baalen MEP has conveyed his condolences to the Norwegian Government and Parliament and to the LI Member Party Venstre of Norway following the loss of more than 90 lives in the terrorist attacks last Friday. "The condolences of Liberal International go to Norwegian society, the family and relatives of the victims and to those wounded in, as it seems, a ruthless terrorist attack on the government buildings in central Oslo and on the resort of the Norske Arbeiderpartiet (Norwegian Labour Party) at Utøya — all conducted by a single right wing extremist maniac. As Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said, ‘paradise turned into a hell but Norway must remain an open and democratic society and must not turn into a fortress."
LI appeals on its member parties to ask their Governments to assist Norway in its requests.
London/The Hague, 25 July 2011

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (den liberale gruppen i EU-parlamentet)
Brussels, 25 July 2011
Dear Mrs Skei Grande,
On behalf of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the EU’s Committee of the Regions, I wish to express our deepest sympathies following the shocking attacks that took place in Oslo and Utoeya on Friday. The senseless murders were an attack on democracy and the murders of young people were an attack on the future of democracy. It is a reminder to all of us that we cannot take democracy for granted, and must constantly work to defend it and strengthen it, from those who reject it. We share your grief and extend to you our solidarity in these difficult times. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families.
I understand also that your party headquarters were damaged in the car bomb explosion and I hope that you will be able to return to normality soon.
With very best wishes,
Flo Clucas

International Federation of Liberal Youth (liberale ungdomspartier fra hele verden)
IFLRY condemns the Oslo bombing and the Utøya mass shootings
.av IFLRY – International Federation of Liberal Youth den 25. juli 2011 kl. 18:14.Joint statement by IFLRY and the Young Liberals of Norway (NUV)
The International Federation of Liberal Youth, gathered in Timisoara in Romania, strongly condemns the attack that took place in Oslo on July 22. As liberals, we hold the value of life in highest esteem and find this cruel attack to be a violation of humanity. IFLRY sends most sincere condolences to the families and friends of the eight victims of the Oslo bombing and the sixty-eight victims in the Utøya shooting.
As young people, we find the killings at Utøya to be very disturbing. The horrendous attack on politically active and interested youth has been received by all participants at the IFLRY meeting as a huge shock. At this point, we want to express our solidarity with the Norwegian Workers’ Youth League (AUF) by strongly condemning this terrorist action. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of all victims, including those injured and traumatised.
We, the International Federation of Liberal Youth, are committed to fight terrorism, protect lives and uphold political, civil and human rights all over the world. As a means of showing our condolences for all those killed in these incidents, we held a moment of silence to commemorate their death.
For IFLRY: Thomas Leys
For NUV: Andreas Skjæret
For LYMEC: Alexander Plahr
For OALY-LEAD: Lebo More
For YLDA: Harshana Rajakaruna
For TNL: Florin-Alexandru Alexe
For CSL: Radu Surugiu
For JNC: Jordi Villanueva Calvet
For the Juventude Democratas: Joao Victor Guedes
For Future Youth: Rabih Fakhreddine
For YLC: Mateusz Trybowski
For SU: Danica Vihinen
For Finnish Centre Youth: Virva Leväinen
For Radikal Ungdom: Christian Schmidt-Sorensen
For LUF: Johanna Lönn
For YMRF: Stanislav Anastassov
For Liberal Youth: Harriet Ainscough
For JRG: Nasha Gagnebin
For JuLis: Julia Hesse
For UJTL: Ameth Nasser
For JD: Maarten Koning
For JOVD: Timo Roeleveld
For L²: Jefrey Van der Straeten
For the Liberal Youth of Moldova: Ludmila Lupu
For Youth Yabloko: Ksenia Vakhrusheva
For MLD: Nusa Anna Hrustek
For Liberal Youth Guild: Harshana Rajakaruna
For DA Youth; Lebo More
For 3H: Afra Uysal
For JLA: Lukas Kaleinikovas

The Party for Peace, Democracy and Development (vårt søsterparti i Mozambique)
Dear Ms Trine Skei Grande
Leader of Venstre Party in Norway
The Party for Peace, Democracy and Development and his leader Mr R’aul Domingos are highly saddened by the tragedy that shocked your country due to the brutal and horrific assassination of more than 90 innocent citizens in Oslo and Utoya Island.
There no justification for this bloodshed in a country which during centuries has built it’s reputation by the promotion of peace in the world.
We know from our own experience how difficult it is to deal with such a kind of criminal act.
In this very sad moments we would like to express our solidarity to you and through you to the people of Norway.
To the families of those of lost their lives in the tragedy and massacre please convey message of sorrow and deep condolences.
Chico Francisco

Yabloko (russisk søsterparti)
Dear Ms. Skei Grande,
On behalf of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO let me express our deepest condolences on the terrible acts of terror in Norway.
We know the burden of such grief and are sharing your pain and your feelings.
Terrorism is a danger which can be confronted only with a joint effort from people all over the world in combating the causes giving rise to such monstrous things.
We are confident in the courage of the Norwegians in the face of such a threat.
Sergei Mitorkhin,

D66 (nederlandsk søsterparti)
Dear colleague,
In a state of shock we have followed the news about the terrible tragedy that hit Norway.
We are saddened by the enormous loss. On behalf of D66 I wish to express our sympathy to you and other colleagues at Venstre.
D66 Party President Ingrid van Engelshoven has written a message to Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg to offer condolences. Kindly find a copy of this letter enclosed.
Our thoughts are with you,
Warm regards,
Maartje Jansen
D66 International Bureau

Folkpartiet Liberalarna (svensk søsterparti)
Tragedin i Norge
Terrordåden som vårt grannland har utsatts för är så fruktansvärda att det är svårt att ta in.
En bilbomb i centrala Oslo riktad mot regeringen och ledande tjänstemän. En kallblodig massaker på ungdomar engagerade för en bättre värld.
Tragedin har tagit många liv, exakt hur många vet vi inte än. För mig är det ofattbart. Mina tankar finns hos dem som har förlorat eller saknar nära och kära, hos de ungdomar som för resten av sina liv kommer att bära mardrömmen på Utöya i sina minnen. Hos det norska folket.
Vi har sett ondska förut och vi kommer att se den igen. Vårt sätt att bemöta den är givet. För att citera Norges statsminister Jens Stoltenberg: «Vårt svar är mer demokrati, mer öppenhet och mer humanitet.»
Norge, mitt andra hemland, befinner sig i djup sorg, och vi finns alla med det norska folket i denna mörka stund. Medkänsla, inte fruktan, är vad vi tillsammans ska använda för att bekämpa terrorn och det obegripliga hatet.
Liberala hälsningar
Jan Björklund

Centerpartiet (svensk søsterparti)
Maud Olofsson med anledning av de tragiska händelserna i Norge
– Jag beklagar djupt de tragiska dåd som idag drabbat Norge och det norska folket. Vi är många i Sverige som känner stor sorg och bestörtning över det som hänt. Tankarna går givetvis till de drabbade och deras anhöriga. Det råder fortsatt stora oklarheter kring det inträffade men det råder ingen tvekan om att detta är ett oerhört angrepp mot respekten för människoliv och mot Norge som nation. Jag vill därför framföra mitt och Centerpartiets varmaste deltagande till det norska folket.
Maud Olofsson

Hikmat Nasser, Libanons parlament
Dear Madam,
It is with great astonishment and disbelief that I learned about the sad incidents which occurred in your beloved Norway, last Friday.
I wish to express my sincerest and heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims in Oslo.
In this difficult period my thoughts and my sincerest and heartfelt condolences also go to the relatives and friends of the promising engaged youngsters and their leaders who died at Utøya and whose genuine, true and democratic political engagement we all appreciated.
Representative of the Lebanese Parliament
to the European Parliament

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 14 år siden.**