A Smarter, Greener and More Just Norway

Here you can read about our most important issues in the upcoming elections.

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 16 år siden.**

A Smarter Norway


Foto: stock.xchng

We need knowledge to secure our welfare, the environment, democracy and an innovative business sector in the future. Schools, higher education and science are therefore our top priority in the coming four years. We want to develop a knowledge society based on a public school system of the highest quality.

Venstre wants:
new teachers to have a five year degree
to give teachers a year off to develop their professional skills
to cut the payroll tax for apprentices by 50%
to strengthen research and increase the quality of higher education
to increase the number of students at NTNU and HiST, primarily within materials sciences, technology and teaching
to provide better student housing, and increase the financial support for students to 11 months
to strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship through a better framework and social arrangements

A Greener Norway

Ringerike Venstre miljø

Foto: Roar Olsen

Most of us want a better environment. Our task is to make sure that everyone who wants to are able to contribute to this. It is therefore important to make it easier to choose environmentally friendly. Venstre is the environmental party in Norway. We want to make Norway an environmentally friendly pioneer country. This means that we have to develop and use new technology, create new environmentally friendly jobs and make adjustments in all areas which have got negative consequences for the environment and the climate.

Venstre wants:
the train from Trondheim to Oslo to take no more than 4 hours within 2020
to increase financial support for energy saving
to do more research on clean and renewable energy sources
to give Trondheim a better public transportation system: more frequent departures, better accessibility and lower prices
to establish an electronic card which can be used to pay for all kinds of public transportation in the whole country
to secure vulnerable areas of nature, for example through continued protection of the river Gaula
to protect more farm land in the interests of food production in the future
to preserve important cultural landscapes

A More Just Norway

Helse, sosial

Foto: Luth

It is no longer most important to give more to everyone, but to help individuals by giving more to those who need it the most. Norway has got one of the best welfare systems in the world. Despite of this some people fall through. Venstre therefore wants a welfare reform which gives more treatment and care in people’s local communities through strengthened health services in the municipalities. This demands stronger municipalities and strengthened local government.

Venstre wants:
more doctors and nurses at nursing homes
to introduce a basic income of 2G (approx. 140.000 kroner)
to secure the local hospitals in Røros and Orkanger
to provide more social housing for people in need
to give drug addicts better treatment and better aftercare
to have publicly financed dental care
to make sure that older people can live at home as long as they wish, even though they are in need of care

Vote Venstre for:
better public transportation
no oil production in Lofoten and Vesterålen
business based on knowledge and innovation
more practice in vocational schools
reduced payroll taxes for apprentices
commitment to teachers
11 months financial support for students
3% of GDP to research
a multi-cultural Norway
allowing more UN refugees to come to Norway
quality in the care for elders
more child benefits to those who need it the most
better treatment for drug addicts
less centralised culture
no NRK licence
less taxes on work, more taxes on consumption
no inheritance tax
reduced tax on assets
refunds on environmentally dangerous products
a WTO treaty which secures fair trade
maintaining Ørland air force base
less surveillance
no odelsrett
more ecological farming
stronger local governments
suffrage for 16-year olds
more transparent public administration
a party without special interests

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 16 år siden.**