Still opp for Burma

Laurdag 14. juni åpnar Rune Erakers viktige fotoutstilling frå Burma i Arendal bibliotek. Sjå utstillinga! Og les programmet under for

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 17 år siden.**

viktig Burmakonferanse i Oslo 23. juni, i regi av Den norske Burmakomité.

Beste helsing

Jan Kløvstad

Burma: The role of the international community
The Norwegian Burma Committee hereby invites you to a conference about Burma at Litteraturhuset in Oslo, on 23rd June, 11 to 14 hs.

When the cyclon Nargis hit Southwestern Burma on 2nd May, the Western world seemed surprised by the reluctant response by the military. At the same time, the military junta claims to have finalized four out of seven steps in the Roadmap to Democracy. The next step will be an election in 2010 for the legislative body Pyithu Hluttaw. What are the consequences of the new constitution and what kind of support might the international community offer to help facilitate transition to a democratic government? How might we best help the Burmese find spaces for broadening dialogue and constructive engagement?

Opening remarks:
By chairperson of the Norwegian Burma Committee, Harald Bøckman

The situation in Burma and the role of Norway
Introduction by State secretary Raymond Johansen

Dialogue and reconciliation – it is possible?
Introduction by UN Representative, National Coalition Goverment of the Union of Burma, dr Thaung Htun

A saffron revolution in Burma? Buddhist backgrounds to a Burmese predicament
Introduction by editor of Anthropology Today, Royal Anthropological Institute, London, Gustaaf Houtman

After the opening remarks and three 20-minutes introductions, there will be time for a thorough discussion on the Norwegian (governmental and civil society) strategy forward. Please confirm your precence to [email protected] or 22 47 92 37 before Friday 20th June .

**OBS! Denne artikkelen ble første gang publisert for 17 år siden.**